Where is Calvary?
1290 S. Center St.
Plainfield, IN 46168
When are your services?
Sundays at 10AM
Our Adult Covenant Groups, Kids Sunday School (up to 12th Grade), and Nursery childcare (0-2yrs) all begin at 9AM.
How long is your service?
Our worship services typically last about 90 minutes.
What is your worship service like?
We believe that we ought to simply and enthusiastically worship in the way God revealed in His Word. Some sing and listen quietly, others are more loud and expressive, and many are somewhere in the middle. We want to learn from each generation God has graced, so our music is a blend of traditional music, modern adaptations of traditional songs, and modern songs. Our goal is to be doctrinally accurate and to clearly communicate truth from God through music. The preaching seeks to be God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, and Bible-based. Click here to view some of our most commonly sung songs.
What should I wear?
We are a come-as-you-are or wear-what-you-want group of people. Clothing, like all of life, simply expresses the heart that God has reached or is reaching. We are ready to receive in love what God is doing in each life.
Where should I park?

Where do I go once I enter?
Click here to see a layout of the interior of Calvary Church. We recommend starting at the Main Entrance (“Sanctuary Entrance” pictured above).
Do you provide childcare?
Yes! Babies (under 2) have a separate area in which they spend the whole service being cared for and taught by our leaders. Children 2 years old to first grade worship with us for the first half of our services and then move to our education center for Children’s Church, which includes a Bible lesson designed for their age level.
see our kids schedule
Do you offer Bible study classes?
Yes, they are Sundays at 9AM and are offered for all age groups. For adults, they’re called Covenant Groups. For kids and teens, they’re called Sunday School classes.
What if I am not a follower of Jesus?
Though we worship fervently and seek to do so with honesty, we despise manipulation and high-pressure tactics. You are invited to come, experience, enjoy, and, we trust, see God among us. If you have honest questions, we would be happy to work through them with you, with our Bibles open to hear God’s answers.