Our Purpose

"We exist to bring more and more glory to God the Father
by bringing the Gospel, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to more and more people
for our becoming more and more like Jesus"

Calvary Purpose Statement

The most important thing about us as a church is that we are objects of God’s love through Jesus Christ. Amazing! This love is dynamic and personal, transforming us from people who are naturally preoccupied with ourselves into a community of Christian believers committed to loving others with the same love we have received from God.

We gather on a weekly basis to express heart-renewed worship. Our worship includes a lot of singing, music, prayer, communion, personal stories of God’s work, and systematic preaching and teaching, based on the authority of the Bible. We celebrate the Good News of what God has done through Jesus Christ—in history and in our lives.

Church Covenant


Church Covenant


Statement of Faith


Statement of Faith


Church Constitution


Church Constitution


Are you a part of a denomination?

We are not part of a denomination but a fellowship of churches—no dues or hierarchy. This organization, though beneficial, is not foundational to our church. Having said that, we voluntarily affiliate with two networks of churches known as the Crossroads Fellowship and The Gospel Coalition. We fellowship for the purposes of accountability, encouragement, wisdom, and the accomplishment of ministry that one church could not do alone. So, we are not part of a denomination, but we joyfully fellowship with other churches and hope that this models God’s plan for genuine, beneficial relationships that enable us to become more and more like Jesus.

What are the priorities at Calvary?


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom… (Colossians 3:16a, c.f. 4:2-6)


...singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16b, c.f. 3:17)


Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 4:2)

How are we seeking to see more and more people become more and more like Jesus?



Go...and make disciples of all nations... We want to engage neighbors and nations, our community and our culture, in loving, Gospel conversations, as individuals and families and as a church collectively. Our Sunday morning service (10:00) is a kind of “ground zero” for this step, designed both to equip our church family for Gospel conversations, and even to initiate these kinds of conversations with guests they bring.


...baptizing…in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... We want to engage one another in Gospel-oriented relationships. Our Covenant Groups and Sunday School classes (meeting Sunday mornings at 9:00) are our primary focus for creating these relationships.


...teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. We want to encourage one another in Gospel growth. All of our teaching ministries (ie, Sunday morning classes and preaching) incorporate Bible application. Weekday offerings for men, ladies, teens, and children provide additional and particular emphases on doing the Word, not just hearing.


We want to equip one another to be disciple-making disciples, committed to our purpose and involved in our process.

What is your preferred translation of the Bible?

We use the English Standard Version (ESV) at Calvary. The primary Bible we read and study, the Bible we use in our services, and the Bible we read to our children is the Bible that will shape our thinking and conversations about God. We wanted a translation that was faithful to the original languages in translation philosophy (all translations have a primary driving philosophy), and we wanted a translation that was written for the age of English in which we live. The ESV uses an “essentially literal” method of translating from the original languages. It seeks to not over translate and interpret, and it seeks to leave figures and images of Bible culture intact. The differences in translation approach are significant to our Bible selection and use. Although other good translations of the Bible are available, the ESV is the translation we have adopted at Calvary, the one with which we seek to grow together in knowing God and His Son, by the Spirit.