Prayer & Preparation for September 18th, 2022
This Lord's Day
Hey church,
Here are some details about the morning sermon and service that may inform your prayers and aid your preparation:
"Sovereign Over Us"
"Worthy, Worthy"
"All Glory Be To Christ"
"Christ Our Hope In Life And Death"
Sermon title:
"Grace's Motivation"
Sermon text:
Psalm 92 (with a particular focus on verse 15)
Supporting texts:
Genesis 50:20
John 15:8
Relevant teaching:
"If you want to be a solid, weighty, radiant old man or woman someday, let the pain in your life force you to believe your own theology. Let it propel you into deeper fellowship with Christ than ever before."
-Dane Ortlund in Deeper
"Ofttimes the primary reason why godly men are called to suffer is for the sake of witness they may give to the sincerity of their love for Christ and the reality of divine grace in them. The world sneers at religious profession. It refuses to believe that it is genuine. It defiantly asserts that what is called Christian principle is only selfishness, and that it would not stand severe testing. Then, godly men are called to endure loss, suffering or sorrow, not because there is any particular evil in themselves which needs to be eradicated, but because the Master needs their witness to answer the sneers of the world."
-J.R. Miller
As far as a specific prayer, we can follow the pattern of John 21:15-17, asking God to enable me to love Jesus and then to feed his sheep this Lord's Day.
By His Grace & For His Glory,
Jeff Tague